How to apply

September 2025 Admissions

The Academy has an admission number of 240 for Year 7 in September 2025. The Academy will consider all applications. If there are fewer than 240 applications in Year 7, 8, 9, 10, and 240 in Year 11 during the academic year 2025/26, the Academy will offer places to all those who have applied unless the application is defined as an exception (see below).

Manchester Academy is a member of United Learning which has a Christian ethos. The Academy accepts students of all faiths and none. 

Students with a statement of special educational needs that names the academy in the statement will be given a special priority over other admissions. If a child has a statement of special educational needs and you require further advice on primary to secondary transfer, please contact the Special Educational Needs section of the Local Education Authority of the area you live in.

Manchester Academy's Secondary School Offer Day takes place on Monday the 3rd of March 2025

Our Admissions Team will contact you to confirm your child's place at the Academy on Monday 3rd March 2025. If you have any questions, please email at

Applications can be completed by visiting the Manchester City Council website

In Year Admissions and Appeals

In-year admissions

For the academic year, this is how in-year admissions will be dealt with between 1st November 2024 and 31st August 2025.

In-year admissions are dealt with by Manchester City Council on behalf of the school and parents should apply to the local authority for a place in the school outside of the usual admissions arrangements. The school can provide the relevant documentation and this is also available on the school website.

Parents have the right of appeal against any refusal of a place.



Parent(s) have the right of appeal to the Academy’s Independent Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision of the Academy.  Further assistance is available at the Academy Office.

Recieve an Application Pack or Apply in Person

By Post:

Integrated School Admissions
Directorate for Children and Commissioning Services
Manchester City Council
P.O Box 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA


Visit in Person:

Customer Contact Centre
Manchester Contact Centre
Town Hall Extension
Albert Square
M60 2LA

Phone: 0161 245 7166


If you would like help completing the application form please contact the office on 0161 232 1639

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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