24/07/2023 Releases


Our Careers Week 2023 created a huge buzz around school and was a huge success.

All students in Years 8-10 took part in a minimum of one event over the course of the week, with many students in Years 9 and 10 opting to engage with a full range of employers, post-16 education establishments and training providers.

We started the week with representatives from DXC Technology talking to students about their careers and career paths available through this multi-national company. The visitors also provided some valuable Labour Market Information (LMI), outlining expected sectors of growth in terms of salary and recruitment.

On Tuesday, Year 10 students attended an A Level taster event at Connell College led by Ms Tempest.

In school, we hosted Courteney Kiely from Manchester-based interior design company SCENE. Courteney is passionate about her profession and provided valuable information about possible apprenticeship routes into this sector. Year 9 and 10 students attended these sessions, with the Year 9 session being a particular success. The students really did let their creative juices flow and some of the ideas have inspired Courteney to return to Manchester Academy next academic year to work with these students on an in-house design project.

Mr Kraweckyj welcomed colleagues from the Royal National College of Music, who explored aspects of the music industry with Year 9 students who have opted to follow music as a Key Stage 4 subject in Years 10/11.

Mark Forrest from the Royal Navy also joined us on Tuesday and presented to a combined Year 8/10 group of over 100 students, outlining the numerous career pathways available through this branch of our Armed Forces.

On Wednesday, we hosted a Careers Fayre, which was visited by all students in Years 8-10.

Guests in attendance on Wednesday represented the following organisations and provided much food for thought for our students who will soon be planning their next steps post-Manchester Academy:

  • William Hulme's Grammar School 6th Form
  • Parrs Wood 6th Form
  • Xaverian College
  • The Manchester College
  • Arnold Clark
  • The Royal Navy/Royal Marines
  • UA92
  • Cheadle College
  • Stockport College
  • City in the Community
  • Moss Side Powerhouse
  • Our Futures
  • AutoTrader

Thursday was, by far, our busiest day. We had a group leave school in the morning to enjoy a session at UA92 in Old Trafford and the 2024 work experience programme was launched to Year 9 students and their families.

Year 9 and 10 students attended workshops delivered by NHS staff outlining career availability with the UK's largest employer.

We were then fortunate to have Lucie Hyde, Sally Bird, Helen Tonks and Sara Talai deliver a carousel of workshops to Year 10 female students. Lucie, Sally, Helen and Sara were able to give first-hand experiences to our girls about the challenges they have faced in business from a female perspective, and provided inspirational ideas which challenged many stereotypes held about women in business.

Lucie represented LNH Transport, Sally spoke representing Kuits Solicitors and Helen spoke as a co-founder of Hydraulics Online Ltd.

Sara is an employee at Manchester Academy, with an abundance of business experience as a well-qualified architect. In addition to addressing Female Year 10 students on Thursday, she also addressed the Year 10 Single Science students on Monday, discussing the role of Science and Maths in architecture.

On Thursday afternoon, students in Years 9 and 10 attended an inspirational session led by Mike O'Connor, Managing Director, Global Head of Access Strategies at Citi Group.

Mike made the 500-mile round trip from London to address students about routes into employment in the financial sector and also delivered key messages about self-investment to make you the best version of you that you can!

The Year 10 session was particularly well received, with Mike passing comment after the session that, if he had a way of doing it, he would have willingly taken two very impressive students back to Citi with him that day to offer them employment. What a powerful message for our students to see and hear that they make such impressions on people and are equipped to compete in a tough job market when they leave school.

Ahead of sports day, the week was rounded off with a Year 10 A Level taster visit to Xaverian College, led by Mr Nejad. 

Vice Principal and Careers Lead Mr Horrigan said feedback on the week from students was overwhelmingly positive and they should all be proud of their involvement in the events of the week.

Feedback from staff was equally positive, and the support received from all staff members throughout the week to run sessions in lessons and to get students to the multiple venues on time for each session was hugely appreciated.

Finally, and probably most importantly, feedback from the individuals, organisations and businesses that worked with our students has been phenomenal.

As exhibitors were leaving the Careers Fayre, they were asking 'When can I come back?' and Mr Horrigan has already received communications from new businesses wanting to engage with our students next year.

Manchester Academy students CAN DO, and they deserve every opportunity to shine and gain the same experiences students in other schools and other parts of the country do.

Well done everybody and here's to 2024 - when Careers Week will be even bigger and better.


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