0161 232 1639

Re: School Preparations for Cold weather - Winter 2010/11

Published on 10 January 2011

You will have seen on the news this week that parts of the country have already been hit with significant falls of snow which have affected traffic and services. Last Year we had to close the school for the first time in its history due to bad weather.

Dear Parent

Re: School Preparations for Cold weather – Winter 2010/11

You will have seen on the news this week that parts of the country have already been hit with significant falls of snow which have affected traffic and services. Last Year we had to close the school for the first time in its history due to bad weather.

I am writing to you to inform you of what actions we will take in the event of bad weather over the coming months and what provision there is for students to keep up with their studies if the school has to close. Let me assure you that we will attempt to remain open at all times, however I have to give due consideration to the health and safety of pupils and staff on the way to and from school.

In the event of heavy snow falling in the Manchester Area:

  • Ring the school on 0161-232-1639. This phone will be staffed from 7am. You will be able to find out what the latest state is regarding closure.
  • Visit the school website – http://www.manchester-academy.org This will inform parents as to the status of the school.
  • Listen to BBC Manchester local Radio – if a decision is made to close the school, local radio will be informed.

If the school has to close, then work will be provided for the students to complete via the Virtual Learning Environment. Links to this will be provided via the school website.

Again, let me assure you that we will do everything in our power to ensure that the school remains open at all times. If you have any questions about this letter, please so not hesitate to contact me on 0161-232-1639

Yours Sincerely,

Ian Jackson
Director Of Operations

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