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Year 9 Project: Manchester as a Community

Published on 23 September 2010

This year within Religious Studies lessons, Year 9 have been taking part in a Citizenship project called Manchester as a Community.

The objective of the project was for students to look at the social issues within inner city Manchester and choose a controversial statement.

For example: “Moss Side deserves its reputation” / “All people in hoodies are up to no good”“Housing is the only use for waste land in Moss Side” and others.

The students then worked in groups to produce a presentation and work booklet around this statement.

The teams had to argue both sides collating evidence, using the internet, and practising presentational skills. The lessons centred around PLTS [Personal Learning Thinking Skills] which involves students being good self managers, effective participants, team workers, independent enquirers, reflective learners and creative thinkers.

At the end of the project the students sent the work to the Spanish school IES La Quintana in Ciaño Langreo, Asturias. Manchester Academy had made links with the school through Valnalón and the Leonardo Project. The Leonardo Project involved a study visit in October, where staff saw enterprise first hand in the area of North Spain and were able to relay the experience to students.

The school in Asturias is sending information to us about their school and our students will offer advice on how these issues could be addressed. The Spanish students are designing leaflets or writing their own responses to how they think the issues should be addressed.


Categories: News, Humanities, MFL

Number of views (2057)

Tags: 2010 Asturias Spanish International School Valnalón IES La Quintana PLTS Religion and Ethics

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