

The reporting of a student's absence procedure is as follows:

Parent/carers should report absent children by 8.00am to 0161 232 1639. Choose option 1 for Student Services, where you will either speak with a member of staff or be asked to leave a message on the answerphone. Please remember to leave your child’s s full name, form group and year group. Or send a message on the MyEd Parent App.

Alternatively, parents can email into to report a child’s absence. 

Any child still absent by 9.00am and where no contact has been received from parent/carer, will receive a phone call home from the Attendance and Safeguarding team. 

Contact information

Support and guidance on school attendance is always available. If you would like to discuss this or if you require any support with your child’s attendance, please contact the following:

Safeguarding Champion: Colette Walker - 0161 232 1639

Engagement Officer: Mr Adam - 0161 232 4145

Please encourage your child to attend school every day:
Just 17 days absence from school a year could mean a drop in GCSE grades in all subjects.

Attendance Officers - and

Year 7 - Ms Harrison

Year 8 -  Mr Clarke 

Year 9 - Ms Henzell

Year 10 - Mr Goorani-Nejad

Year 11- Ms Tempest

What is the academy's attendance policy?

Regular school attendance is essential if children are to achieve their full potential.

Manchester Academy believes that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them and become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to their community.


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