Pastoral care

Manchester Academy is passionate about ensuring every one of our students succeeds through a varied, challenging and inspiring education.

We are driven by the desire to continuously improve, within a caring, supportive and encouraging learning community. We pride ourselves on outstanding pastoral care, which begins prior to starting at the Academy with very close liaison with our partner primary schools, parents and carers. 

Once a child gains a place, they are allocated to their Form Group where they are looked after by a team of people dedicated to their wellbeing, inextricably linked with pastoral care and the emotional development of students.

Pastoral Team

Year Director  

Each Year Director has responsibility for a year group. These are the members of staff who parents should contact to seek advice, discuss problems or raise matters of specific concern.

Form Tutors 

The first port of call is the Form Tutor who will develop a close bond with children and encourage them to be part of a team. Form Tutors have day-to-day responsibility for around 25 pupils. Their main role is to monitor a pupil’s attendance, punctuality, general well-being and to support them in activities. Parents/Carers will normally send their enquiries to their child's Form Tutor. The form tutors will normally remain with their form for the duration of their time at school.

New pupils will meet their Form Tutor and other children in their class on a Transition Day prior to joining the Academy in July of the year of admission. 

Pastoral Support Workers

Working alongside pupils and staff, our Pastoral Support Workers provide significant motivation for many of our pupils, and support them in their attendance and with academic and social issues.


Students are regularly rewarded for good work, helpfulness and excellent attendance, effort etc. Our aim is to encourage them in every way possible to achieve targets and ultimately success. Rewards come in many different forms such as merits (which can be exchanged for prizes), praise, postcards, certificates, vouchers and trips.

Student Timetables

Every student will have an individual timetable, showing subject names, teacher names and room numbers for each period. Staff spend the early weeks of every September directing children around the building and making sure that no one gets lost! 

Teacher Reports

There is regular contact between the academy and home, and parents receive full and interim reports in addition to parent consultation evenings.

United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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