For further information on promoting safety online please access the following links:
Regarding any concerns, please contact our Safe Guarding leads:
Mr Liam Horrigan (Vice Principal):
Ms Colette Walker:
Tel: 0161 232 1639
If you are worried about something or someone there are people at Manchester Academy who can help. Please see any member of our safeguarding team. They are here to help.
Vice Principal Mr Horrigan is our Safeguarding Lead. He can be contacted by email here. In addition, the Safeguarding Officer, Ms Walker can also make you an appointment with a young persons counsellor. Please contact her directly by email here.
Please view this video called FGM, The Facts on NHS Choices
For more details, please visit thefollowing NHS website –
It’s normal to feel unhappy sometimes. But if you are stuck, often feeling stressed, angry or upset, do talk to an adult you trust – this may be your parent or carer, or a staff member. It can also be your school counsellor who has had the training to help with improving well-being and who can keep what you say private. Please note that if you are in danger, the counsellor will focus on keeping you safe which may involve telling someone else in school or your parent/carer so that they can help. Your counsellor can connect you with counsellors from other agencies such as NHS Thrive in Education, CAMHS, 42nd Street and art therapy.
Connect – Talk to someone and spend some quality time with family and friends.
Be active – Go running, jog on the spot, or do star jumps! Exercise improves mood.
Take notice – Use your eyes and ears to notice your surroundings including trees and plants. This helps you take a break from being inside your head overthinking about problems.
Learn - Keep your mind focused on something useful or enjoyable. Join a new club from the list on the enrichment calendar!
Give – when you smile at someone, or help them, it’ll make you happy too.
Exams can be a worrying and stressful time but it is natural to feel worried at this time. All you can do is try your best and that is enough.
The country's four leading Internet Service Providers (ISPs) BT, Sky, TalkTalk and Virgin Media have each made short video clips outlining:
These films have been made available on the UK Safer Internet Centre website.
The ISPs have committed to keeping these films updated, so any new content will be published on this page as and when it becomes available.
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