PUPIL Premium Manchester 2017-18 Website - page 3

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Attainment in English:
In 2016-2017 62.7
% (96 students)
of pupils at Manchester Academy
achieved a ‘standard pass’ of Grade 4+ in English
60.8% ( 73 students)
of disadvantaged pupils achieved this benchmark
compared to 69.7
% (23 students)
of non-disadvantaged pupils
In 2016-2017
43.8% (67 students)
of pupils at Manchester Academy
achieved a ‘good pass’ of Grade 5+ in English
44.2% (53 students)
of disadvantaged pupils achieved this benchmark
compared to
42.4% (14 students)
of non-disadvantaged pupils
Attainment in maths:
In 2016-2017
48.4% (74 students)
of pupils at Manchester Academy
achieved a ‘standard pass’ of Grade 4+ in maths
45.8% (55 students)
of disadvantaged pupils achieved this benchmark
compared to
57.6% (19 students)
of non-disadvantaged pupils
In 2016-2017 36.6
% (56 students)
of pupils at Manchester Academy
achieved a ‘good pass’ of Grade 5+ in maths
35% (42 students)
of disadvantaged pupils achieved this benchmark
compared to 42.4
% (14 students)
of non-disadvantaged pupils
Attainment 8:
In 2016-17 the ‘Attainment 8’ average points score per pupil at Manchester Academy was
The ‘Attainment 8’ average points score for PP pupils at Manchester Academy was
The ‘Attainment 8’ average points score for non-disadvantaged pupils at Manchester Academy was
In 2016-2017 the Progress 8 score for all Y11 pupils at Manchester Academy was
The Progress 8 score for disadvantaged pupils was
The Progress 8 score for non-disadvantaged pupils was
Progress gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils at Manchester Academy is
Key Stage 3:
Pupil Premium funding impacts upon all pupils at Manchester Academy and benefits pupils in Years 7 to 10 as well as
impacting upon outcomes in GCSEs for Y11 pupils.
Year 7
At Assessment Point 6 (July 2017) -
(30 students) - were on track in mathematics, whilst
(17 students)
already exceeding expectations with regard to their progress.
(41 students) of students were on track in English, whilst
(40 students) exceeded expectations with re-
gard to their progress.
There was a gap of
between the performance of non-disadvantaged and disadvantaged pupils in maths and a gap
in English.
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