Manchester Academy Achieves Bronze in Rights Respecting School Journey

10/10/2024 Top News
Manchester Academy Achieves Bronze in Rights Respecting School Journey

We're proud to celebrate winning Bronze for being a Rights Respecting School!


The Rights Respecting School Awards puts children’s rights at the heart of school life. UNICEF UK works with schools to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected and their talents nurtured.

The Award recognises schools that embed Rights Respecting values in their daily life. Our aim is to give children the best chance of a happy life and encourage them to be responsible, active citizens within the school and beyond.


What’s Next?

In pursuit of continued improvement, the academy is now determined to achieve Silver! A goal which is shared by a dedicated team of student leaders who are working hard to achieve this award. 

As part of this initiative, the RRS student group have been taking part in activities designed to:

  • ·         Teach about rights and how students can exercise them
  • ·         Encourage young people to take their right to education seriously
  • ·         Encourage learners to believe they can change the world for better
  • ·         Develop self-esteem and self-value


Each student meeting works to create a culture of respect across the school, where young people’s voices are heard and valued. The workshop activities allow students to share their perspective, building a sense of community and belonging amongst peers.

As we march toward achieving Silver, Manchester Academy remains committed to ensuring everyone within our community thrives in an environment rooted in respect and rights.


More Magic Futures!

We strive to provide all Academy students with the knowledge and skills to help them succeed in life beyond school.

Deputy Head Teacher and Lead of the RRS Group, Mrs McMullen said: “The benefits of a rights-respecting culture extend to everyone – students and staff alike. It’s inspiring to see the students become more confident finding their voices.”


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