Manchester Academy Welcomes New Year 7 Students for an Eventful Transition Day

04/07/2024 Top News
Children stood in front of football net.

Today we rolled out the red carpet and welcomed our newest recruits at the annual Year 7 Transition Day


Welcome Assembly

The day began with a welcome assembly, where students met our Magic team of teachers and staff, who are excited to support our new year 7’s through their academic journey. Our principal Mr. Eldon gave a warm welcome to all students and prepared them for the fun day ahead!


Fun and Games

The students got stuck into a range of activities:

  • ·        Creating artwork.
  • ·        Football match.
  • ·        Drama performance.
  • ·        Team-building challenges.

Teacher Mrs Maybury said: “The students have been brilliant. They’re engaged with the activities and it’s nice to see their personalities shine! It’s lovely to see their confidence grow throughout the day. I’m looking forward to getting to know them better in September.”


Highlight Of the Day

The highlight of the day was the drama performance where Manchester Academy students proudly displayed their end of year show ‘Wendy and Peter Pan.’ A few brave students were invited on-stage to participate and let their talent shine.

Teacher Mrs Wellfair said: “This activity was made to challenge the new students. It was great to watch them work together and be encouraged by the older students.”


What Happens Next?

As the day ends, the students gathered for some final words and goodie bags. With big smiles and new friends, we hope our new year 7’s leave feeling settled and prepared for their fresh start in September. Here's to a fantastic year ahead, full of Magic. Welcome to Manchester Academy High School, Year 7!

We would like to invite all new year 7 students to our Summer School Event, Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd August 2024.

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